This is a record of our insight into the way of life of the Nubbins. Nubbins have been in North America for many centuries, though their exact arrival time is not known, and in fact, they may be indigenous to the continent. We suspect, however, given similarities in language and customs, that they came from the Nordic or Celtic regions of Europe, arriving here well before the early explorations of the Vikings. They appear to have settled in the northern parts of the Americas where they found fish, fowl and land to be plentiful.
Like their ancestors they lived in clans, and similar to the White Men, who would follow many years later, they established small villages close to waterways and the sea. Nubbins live close to the land and in harmony with their environment, much the same as Native Americans, who called them by various names, such as the Pukwudgies. But unlike these other groups, the Nubbins are closely related to elves and fairies in spirit and are dwarf-like in stature. Larger than the brownies of Scotland and the kobolds of Germany, easily seen by beast and fowl, Nubbins are rarely seen by humans - except in special circumstances...